Foot Restoration Program
- Designed by health professionals
- Accessible for all abilities
- Money-back guarantee
Designed by The Foot Collective's head physiotherapist’s and podiatrist, the Foot Restoration Program is the ultimate pathway to restore foot and lower body function as a foundation for movement freedom and long-lasting pain relief.
You will be empowered with the education, skills and strategies that you need to overcome persistent pain, break the cycle of recurrent injuries and confidently return to the activities you love.
Structured Program:
12 weeks of step-by-step exercise programming with clear and detailed training tutorials that guide you through the entire restoration process
In-Depth Educational Resources:
Long-form audio lessons that equip you with the knowledge and understanding you need to succeed on your journey
Foot Restoration Manual:
Includes visual learning tools, a training journal to track your progress and scannable QR codes for quick access to the training you need each day
Bonus Modules:
Extra tutorials from our lead instructors that will help you troubleshoot obstacles and maximise the benefit from the program
This program is designed to help you restore natural foot function, therefore it is an ideal starting point if you’re experiencing any of the following:
- Heel Pain
- Ankle Pain
- Forefoot Pain
- Toe Pain
- Knee Pain
- Hip Pain
- Back Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Flat Feet
- Achilles Tendinitis
- Metatarsalgia
- Bunions
- Hallux Valgus
- Morton's Neuroma
- Hallux Limitus
- Shin Splints
- Turf Toe
- Ankle Sprains
Once you complete your purchase you will receive an order confirmation email with details on how to finish creating your account and get access to the Foot Collective App to start the program.
I have been avoiding my foot health for too long by relying on orthotics instead. Now that I have committed to the Foot Restoration program and bought a Solemate, the strength in my feet and legs has improved along with barefoot balance. Additional podcasts, videos and exercises on YouTube and in the program help to enhance my education and make me more confident.
I decided to commit to the Foot Restoration Project and so far (I’m part way through week 4) really good! The program is so well structured and easy to follow. I love the follow along lessons and the podcasts.
I am 68 and so far I’m finding the program totally doable. I am always looking forward to the next session which is so good.
It’s important to me to continue to strengthen my feet, my lower body and my balance. I definitely feel like I’m on the right track 😊
I’m currently fortunate that my foot health and general health are pretty good although I do manage some plantar fascia issues.
I am 4 weeks into the program and am super impressed with the clarity of expectations in the support/learning material and have found it easy to build the training into my day.
I have already noticed a greater awareness of my feet although I’m not sure if that’s from more sensations, being more aware of my feet sensations or a probably a combination of both things.
Enjoying the program and looking forward to the next few weeks.
The training videos give wonderful detailed instructions along with the follow alongs. I love the way the program teaches an exercise and then continues to build each week. I am appreciating the slow pace as my feet were very much lacking mobility. I also like the presentation of options for a greater challenge if you are ready. The pace of the course has been wonderful so far. I am looking forward to the continuing weeks.
This program is excellent. Each week has a lesson where you learn about your feet and their function and then practice exercises to do. There are 5 days of exercises, so you have built in rest days that you can take whatever day you need it. Depending on your current foot function some of the exercises may be a bit challenging, but Jim provides suggestions for all levels (and if you do them each day they will get easier - and this means your foot function is improving!) I was already working with a physical therapist I found on their website and this program has added to my foot strengthening program! (She also recommended this program!) I highly recommend this program for everyone.